Monday, December 15, 2008

System Applications

My system application in it's final form. The idea stemmed from the thought that invero was going to change the face that greeted the patient right down to the device packaging. I decided to do a box design with similar graphical arrangements to that of the business mailer. Large pictures and warm colors would greet the patient breaking the white box trend so often seen today.

One new introduction with the packaging was the element of illustration. This proved to be rather difficult because the illustration needed to stay friendly and avoid the technical drawings that so often adorn the outside of these devices. The idea was to create something that looked hand drawn with fluctuating stroke weights and limited detail all in effort again to present the patient with a more pleasing appearance.

Along with the outer packaging I took on a redesign of the nebulizer manual. The standard manual is printed in a vary fine 10 point times roman. There is no color generally, with few exceptions and only 1 introduced color when there is. I wanted to bring in some color, lighten the text and make the manual more approachable. The text and copy within the manual didn't change much, it still maintains an instructive tone, but it is displayed in a friendlier petina typeface. I also brought in the illustration for the packaging and used it as tool to display what the patient is getting once again, and to point out each individual piece. Beyond the illustration I chose not to include photography because I didn't find it suitable for the manual. One question came up regarding whether or not I should show photos of the user using this device and I opted not to because it is part of the invero brand to not show users on these machines. Patients are intamintly familiar with the nebulizers before they recieve their own unit, it is for this reason I didn't think they needed to see pictures of others using it.

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